
Black manta aquaman
Black manta aquaman

black manta aquaman black manta aquaman black manta aquaman

The suit is sealed so completely that it cannot be entered even at the atomic level. Black Manta's Armor: Black Manta wears a diving suit that enables him to survive underwater to unknown depths it insulates him against the cold and protects him from pressure changes.Throwing: Black Manta can throw knives with high accuracy.Swordsmanship: Manta often uses swords or daggers when combating Aquaman and other enemies.He is also accurate when firing his grappling hooks. Marksmanship: Manta is highly accurate with rifles and other ballistic weapons, able to mow down dozens of hostiles with just a pair of machine guns.Demolitions: Manta was able to destroy Spindrift Station with coordinated explosions.He's even used Aquaman's trident with proficiency as well as the Dead King's Scepter. Weaponry: Black Manta has a large arsenal of both underwater and above water weaponry.Seamanship: Manta can pilot a submarine.Deathstroke stated that he "cuts through water like a torpedo". Master Swimmer: Black Manta is highly skilled at swimming.Intimidation: Black Manta rules N.E.M.O.He was able to easily beat Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn and Deadshot in one-on-three combat, even though all three were accomplished fighters. He is capable of defeating multiple opponents with or without his suit. He's honed his skill over the years fighting Aquaman. Hand-to-Hand Combat: Black Manta was trained to fight by his father from an early age.Tracking: Manta was able to track down members of the Others- some of which had been in hiding for years.Mechanical Engineering: Hyde was able to make his suit, which is considered a technological marvel.Tactical Analysis: Manta proves to be an adept strategist and directional coordinator having a cunning, tactical mind on par with a great many of Earth's greatest intellects.Seduction: Black Manta was able to seduce Xebelian Lucia into helping him with his quest for the Black Pearl.Medical Science: Black Manta has sufficient medical expertise to perform an autopsy.He has also led the Suicide Squad on multiple occasions. And proved just as capable of subsuming the whole of the age old international cabal known as the Nautical Enforcement of Macrocosmic Order to his will with relative ease. Boasting an army of trained mercenaries who follow his orders to the letter, both human and atlantean. Hyde is a taciturn headman, with an incredulous amount of guile and charisma. Investigation: Manta is the greatest treasure hunter to ever live, he has investigated many ancient myths of treasure and found their source.He flew a helicopter during his escape from Belle Reve after the Crime Syndicate broke all of the prison's occupants out of their cells. Aviation: Black Manta can pilot a helicopter.This means that Manta can manipulate the minds of any ocean animal in order to make them do whatever he wants. Life Force Connection: During his alliance with the Triumvirate of Sea Gods, Manta was gifted the power of Aquaman by Fleet Admiral Tyyde.What is known is that he swore to ruin Aquaman's life before he killed him, to this end, Black Manta kidnapped and murdered (by proxy) Aquaman's young son. Not much is known about his life between this pivotal moment and his first encounter with the King of Atlantis, so how he got his suit and the development of his skills is unknown in most continuities. After seeing Aquaman swim by and unable to get his attention, Black Manta swore he would become the master of the "emotionless sea" and the person he viewed as its master, Aquaman. As a kid he was abducted and forced into labor on an unnamed ship. According to his backstory, Black Manta was an autstic youth who was born in Baltimore, Maryland.

Black manta aquaman